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Promotion & Transfer

Views 7 Views    Comments 0 Comments    Share Share    Posted by Zaman 21-10-2008  
A) Promotion & Transfers

From a general point of view, selection involves the following types of problems:

1. Selection from within or outside the company
2. Hiring new employees from outside the company.
3. Promotion with in the company
4. Discharge of old employees.


A few companies do have a clear cut policy while certain organizations issue circulars as and when they need. Many companies develop policies over a period of time through settlements and agreements with the workers/unions. In promoting employees consideration should be given for establishment of the horizontal or vertical promotion. The desirability of securing assistants who complement rather than supplement their superiors is the major point in a successive plan which is an integral part of manpower planning.

Definitions of promotion:

• PIGORS & MEYERS: Define promotion as "the advancement of an employee to a better job - better in terms of greater respect of pay and salary. Better houses of work or better location or better working conditions-also may characterize the better job to which an employee seeks promotions, but if the job does not involve greater skill or responsibilities and higher pay, it should not be considered a promotion." This definition takes into consideration only a Vertical promotion.

• DALE YODER: According to Dale Yoder, it is a "movement to a position in which responsibilities and presumably the prestige are increased. Promotion involves an increase in rank ordinarily; promotion is regarded as a change that results in higher earnings, but increased earnings are essential in a promotion." This definition talks of both vertical and horizontal promotions.

• KOONTZ O`DONNEL observed that promotion is "a change within the organization to a higher position with greater responsibilities and used for more advanced skills than in previous position. It usually involves higher status and increase in pay." Promotions can be from within or can be from outside depending upon the need of the organization as both have certain advantages and disadvantages. So also are the arguments for and against the concept of promotion on seniority or merit. A wise policy which is followed by many organizations is a proper blending of both. Opposite to promotion is demotion. It is more as a punishment. In certain cases it can be on cost reduction considerations.


• PIGORS & MEYERS Consider transfer as "the movement of an employee from one job to another on the same occupational level and at about the same level of wages or salary" No appreciable change in task or responsibility is expected, SCOTT and others define transfer as “the movement of an employee from one job to another. It may involve a promotion, demotion or no change in job status other than moving from one job to another."

Types of Transfer: Transfers are of many types. It may be a reward transfer or a punishment transfer. Transfers can be classified as production transfers, Replacement transfers, Versatility transfers, shift transfers or remedial transfers. They can be temporary or permanent. However, it is better to have a clear-cut and flexible transfer policy. Otherwise, it may lead to a lot of heart- burning among the affected employees.

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